Deus WTF: A REAL human revolution would involve programmers who allow players to map controllers how they want

User Rating: 6 | Deus Ex: Human Revolution X360
First of this review is based on my first encounter with the game from last night. About 2 hours fresh out of the box, and my first impressions on whether or not it was $60 well spent...

My gut feeling: No

My disappointment with the game began almost immediately...after starting....LONG LOAD times...seriously??? Aren't there ways to mitigate this nowadays? It just smacks of lazy programming.

What I did like: the graphics were pretty good. Facial representation is dated, and done better in a lot of games, but you know what, I can overlook things like that, and for someone new to the Deus Ex story, it seems like the story is going to be pretty good. Plenty of mysteries to explore. I have to say, I am not dissatisfied with the story so far.

Ok back the to bad: It is 2011 people, will you let me map my XBOX 360 controller to how I like to play already? Look its one thing to have you buttons mapped a certain it. But when you present a First Person Shooter game to the game playing audience, and you DEVIATE from the standard controller layout employed by the BEST FPS games in the business (BF, COD, Gears, etc)....then "stand by for heavy rolls" as they say in the Navy. The left trigger button aims down the sight in the overwhelming majority of FPS games (Halo being the most notable deviation from this standard, but most Halo weapons DON'T even allow you to aim down the sight, so this deviation is not as noticeable). Not so in Deus Ex: left trigger enters aim down the sight, you have to click in the right thumb stick (which you use to move the camera view), needless to say, this can be a little off-putting in the heat of is a unnecessary hassle for the shooting aspect of the game. This is especially true when you consider the punishment the spotty A.I. can dish out when it decides the opponent blasting away at you scores some hits....I've had guys standing 10 feet away and not being able to hit me, and then I had an enemy charge through an open door and light me up almost instantly....blam blam blam, DEAD, nice long reload, as I tried to line up my shot (because you WILL NOT hit the enemy shooting from the hip, you need to aim down your sights and make your limited ammo count).

Which brings me to another point: You play the Chief Security Officer for a multi-billion dollar corporation, you CEO-boss charges you with rescuing employee hostages against an unknown number of assailants...and you get...drumroll please: 20 rounds of ammunition. What the F? Hey big spender, could I get a sidearm? NO...seriously?? I gotta pluck a pistol from the thugs I start taking out to sneak into the manufacturing facility....Wow...

Finally I really wish EIDOS Montreal had put as much thought coming up with a viable reason for the stupidly low ammo count. I mean, I KNOW the reason...they didn't want to create a simple run-n-gun game, and artificially low ammo forces the sneak and peek aspect...fine, got it....but seriously, I get into a gun battle with a gun and he and buds pop off an endless stream of bullets my way...I take them out, look the body, and get 5 pistol rounds if I am lucky...ok, I sneak up behind the up, put him to sleep with a chokehold, loot his sleeping body (instead of corpse because I am being kind) and I get...drumroll...5 rounds if I am even the enemy is running around with half-empty clips....could you at least give me an INCENTIVE to switch back and forth between gunning and sneaking???

These aren't game-ruining issues, but they do smack me (as a veteran FPSer) as faults which take away from my enjoyment of the game.

Perhaps as I play longer, the strong story will overwhelm these flaws, and I will be able to overlook them and find a greater sense of enjoyment. But for now, I have to give Deus Ex a middling score. It is not a stellar shooting, and A.I issues call into question how effective a snoop and poop game it can be.