Just proves that a small developer can do a great job

User Rating: 9.4 | DEFCON: Everybody Dies PC
JUST A GREAT GAME! Gameplay is simple. Sound is amazing and might bring you to tears. The graphics are great for what is needed. For $15 it feels like you are steeling. BUY THIS GAME! The gameplay is a simple click the unit then click where you want it to go. UNfortunatly there are not that many units to pick form. THe graphics are a simple 2d RTS but this game is not going for 3d supergraphics. THe backround music is nevershaking in a good way. When your nukes hit the city there is no giant explosion just a white flash and the words "New York Hit 10.6 million dead" depending on the city. The value is one of the best parts of this game. ONLY $15 off steam. This game is just plain SUPERB!