Dead to Rights is a great movie-esque game with a solid plot.

User Rating: 9 | Dead to Rights PS2
Few games capture the fun of exaggerated action movies like The Matrix. Max Payne came quite close. Not long after is Dead to Rights, one of my favourite games of all time. It's hard to explain, really; it's like an action movie which you have total control over. The introduction of Grant City, Jack Slate's narration of the story, the myriad of encounters and most of all, Jack Slate's dog Shadow, are what make it a favourite of mine.
The plot is solid, more so than, sad to say, the later games in the series. There are many people Jack meets. In the end, it all comes down to greed of gold, but the revival of this long-abandoned movie formula makes it endearing. Gameplay-wise, it's slightly inferior to Dead to Rights 2 and Max Payne, being not quite as smooth and fluid as them, but still very exciting. The slow-motion dive animations are possible only in four directions, unlike Dead to Rights 2 and Max Payne in which it is possible to dive in any direction. However, Jack's dog Shadow plays more of a role in this game than in the other games; sniffing out bombs and opening paths for Jack.
The story is told through CG-animated cutscenes. These cutscenes are obsolete now; but then, they were the best animations all-around. There are some scenes in which the sounds are not properly synced with the video, but other than that, they are flawless.
All in all, Dead to Rights is an under-appreciated, great game.