I wish Issac was deaf and dumb, that way I wouldn't have to tolerate his stupidity....

User Rating: 8.5 | Dead Space 3 PS3
Remember when we had a mute Issac? didn't you love those days? I loved that guy! I felt like I'm in his shoes when I was walking through the Ishimura, but now we got some passive aggressive idiot running the show in a stupid love triangle that doesn't make sense much. so overall, yes aside from the findings about where Tau-Volantis really is and the things we find out the markers the story sucks....
but the Gameplay....
Oh the sweet gameplay, perhaps not as scary as the previous Dead Spaces, the game still manages to send shivers down your spine and make you flinch one of two times in the 12-15 hours you'll spend playing it.
the loot that has been added to the game makes the game's combat a tad more interesting but not so much.
the visuals are quite boring until you land in Tau-Volantis from which then becomes one of the most interesting visuals I've seen in the recent games.
The game had more potential but just doesn't get where the Original Dead Space got and that's a shame, I still enjoyed the game and could to some extent ignore the stupidity of the minor plots.
Still better than Resident Evil!LOL