Scariest game on the PS3?

User Rating: 8 | Dead Space 2 PS3
Well, it has to be up there as one, surely?

I cannot count how many times I jumped while playing this game. The atmosphere is creepy. Dead Space 2 is kind of like Iron Man meets Alien.

You are in charge of a guy who goes around blasting gross looking monsters all the while trying to figure out a way of your nightmare. That is really all I can say for the plot since this is the first Dead Space game I have played. I need to play the original next, but knowing myself I will probably play 3 and then 1. I am sure the first game will fill me in more on the story.

The Iron Man reference is in regards to the zero gravity levels. Sure, you are not literally flying but the suit your wear in the game and the fact that you can "fly" through the zero gravity reminded me of it a lot.

You get some great weapons to do your thing against those nasty creepy crawlies including flame throwers, shot guns, rifles, zap guns, mines etc. You can upgrade them as the game progresses but unlike other games you cannot upgrade them for free. You have to earn those upgrades by collecting what are called Nodes. One node is per level upgrade. You also have a store you can visit from time to time to buy new weapons, health bars amongst other things.

There are some puzzles to figure out during the course of the game which give you a break from all the shooting but they are not too difficult and will be easy enough to figure out in due time. Graphically, there are lots of detail especially in regards to the monsters. They are sick to look at which makes it all the more scarier when they jump out at you from all angles.

There may come a time when you cannot figure out certain things on your own but your character will eventually get hints on what to do if the game thinks you are struggling which should be a plus to many. I didn't notice an exceptional soundtrack but the lack of music adds to the scary atmosphere.

If you've played the first game then no doubt you should pick this one up and if this is the first one you have chosen then you have made a good choice although you may struggle with the lack of back story.