Anyone who's into fighting games might wanna to check out Dead Or Alive where the series began from arcades to PS1.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dead or Alive PS
The series was first in the arcades back in 1996 and then released on the Sega Saturn back in 1997 for the Japanese. But back in 1998 it was released on the Playstation. The Playstation version however had 2 new charcters that weren't in the Japanese version on the Sega Saturn or in the Japanese arcades who were Bass and Ayane.
There's no story overall to the first Dead Or Alive but it feels more of an Arcade game comparing it to other games which had storys and endings for each charcters in games like the Tekken series or the Street Fighter series.

Gameplay: The controls are easy to pick up on fighting for most charcters you'll play as. Some charcters like Kasami and Ryu Hayabusha are Ninja attacks, other charcters like Bayman and Bass are heavey/strong attacks, Lei Fang and Jann Lee are Kung Fu attacks. If you think about at least two charcters in Dead or Alive will have the same moves.
There's no command list for your charcters comparing it to other fighting games you've played either on the Playstation or in the arcades. There are other modes as well like Survial, Team Battle where you can have more then 3 fighters in a team of your own, or training and there's also multiplayer if you want to play with your friends.

Graphics and Sound: Comparing the graphics to the arcade version, the Playstation version has smoother graphics for a fighting game. I'm not complaing or comparing graphics to other retro games. I liked the arcade version for the contorls but I liked the graphics for the Playstation version. With Dead or Alive being made in Japan by Temco the charcters and animation are sort of Anime but it's pretty close to other fighting games like Virtura Fighter series.

The voicing is all in Japanese which usally what you would hear in other games which support Japanese voicing specially if you hate the English voicing for some games out there which have terrible voice acting. Thats why the Japanese voicing will always be there for most games. But other then there isn't much to much to music overall.

Overall: If you didn't get the chance to pick this up on the Xbox along with Dead or Alive 2, you are more then likely to find the Playstation 1 version cheap in a few second game shops or possibly in a car boot sale for around £1.00 or $1.00 at least. Dead or Alive isn't a short game it can be addicitve fighting game and can be fun when playing with your friends if you have any that is. This game also has Dual Shock meaning that you can play the game if you prefer useing the analog sticks then to the directional buttons.But it is worth checking out if your still into Retro or PS1 games.