Awesome game to add to your collection.

User Rating: 9 | Darksiders X360
Story: War, one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse( how fricken cool is that!?) was summoned to destroy Earth before it's proper time and the council, which controls heaven and hell, sentenced him to probation while he clears his name. His probation officer is a demon that stays within his gauntlet and can cause War brutal pain at will. As War goes on his journey to clear his name he receives help from a demon and one of "the Old Ones" who crafted the Armageddon blade and fights the legions of heaven and hell and their commanders.

The developers did a superb job telling the story and setting up a sequel( or side-quel is what I call it since it tells the story of Death during the events of Darksiders one) Overall I'd give the story a 9/10.

Graphics: There are very few glitches and bugs in this beautifully designed apocalyptic world. I'd give the graphics 8.5/10

Gameplay: There multiple weapons that war uses each having a special ability or fighting style to them, however the only weapon that has a permanent button is the Chaoseater, War's trusty sword of benevolent destruction. The other weapons are mapped to the Y or triangle button. Each weapon as it's own set of moves, but the moveset generally is small. Darksiders plays like a cross between Devil May Cry, Zelda, and God of War. I'd give the gameplay an 8/10.

Music: The music fits the game just right in each area of exploration within the game. I'd give it a 10/10.

Boss Fights: The boss fights generally aren't too hard, but the legions of hell can be a bit overwhelming at times. Each boss, however, has a special cinematic brutal kill that is more than enough to make up for the simple boss fight. Each boss fight can take between 6-20 minutes to beat. I'd give the boss fights a 9.5/10

Total: 45/50 or 9/10.