its a complication of other masterpieces but... why is that so bad?

User Rating: 9 | Darksiders PS3
gamefly and other critics are constantly docking this games score for lack of originality story and complex controls.
im very much disagree with 2 of these.
the story is the only thing that not necessarily disappoints me but theres definably nothing special to it this would be the only thing i would agree with on in gameflys review.
everything else in the game is near flawless the constant discovering of weapons equipment and upgrades is very addicting and keeps me interested as if the fast past exciting combat weren't addicting enough.
now you have constantly been hearing darksiders is simply a rip off of zelda and god of war and the similarities are more than obvious but why is that such a bad thing. the world of video games would never have evolved to the point it is at now if someone didn't take someones idea and do it different and darksiders does this well i think.
now over complex controls is really an opinion kinda thing to me.
honestly i have no problems with the controls but i have been playing a lot since the fifth and i suppose if you took 2 weeks break from the game it would be difficult to figure out how to even use your crossblade but i truly have no problem with the controls and i think they are actually pretty smooth and necessary seeing how there is a million things you need to use to progress.

overall darksiders is a more than great game with a legthy and rewarding single player experience. the story is not great but its not like your going to tear your eyes out cause of it im mean really gamefly ive seen MUCH much worse.