This is a game that takes a great concept and story and delivers a fun gaming experience.

User Rating: 9 | Darksiders X360
Darksiders Wrath of War is an excellent example of an action adventure game. It does not break the mold and redefine any genres here and there are some flaws but the solid game play, matched with the right amount of plat-forming and puzzle solving, rolls this game up into an enjoyable experience.

The story is quite compelling and drives you onward as you slay the dregs of hell and the armies of haven in an attempt to clear your name. Boss battles are over the top and truly make you feel as though you are a super human force to be reckoned with battling against some of the greatest powers in this world or the next. Sure there are some easily spotted patterns in the boss fights but with GIANT demons stalking you, waiting for an opening to strike, while explosions and gouts of flame are erupting all around you, countering those patterns and getting the job done can be frantic at times.

The music in the game is mostly absent unless engaged in one of the more major battles but this lack of noise does tend to increase the sense of being alone against the world and highlights the desolate waste that the world as we know it has become.

Characters are memorable and, most of the time, immense as well. The art design is top notch and even though true realism is not achieved (nor is it the goal here) the game never gets "too cartoony."

As I said before, there are some flaws here but the overall effort is good. If the idea of riding into the end of the world as a super natural being leaving nothing but destruction in your wake even remotely interests you, you will not be disappointed to explore the world (or lack there of) of Darksiders.