Ignorant button-mashers stay away!

User Rating: 9 | Dark Souls X360
As has been said in other reviews, this is NOT a straight up hack-n-slash dungeon crawler. You have to use caution, skill and timing, and most of all, your brain (thank God). And if you do all those things well, you will STILL die a LOT.

Some reviewers feel the game punishes you needlessly for dying. I view it, rather, as a way of telling you to change your tactics and rethink how you can advance. If you don't learn from your mistakes, you are bound to repeat them, raising your level of frustration. If you plow into an area filled with enemies that seem to overmatch you, then guess what? You probably aren't strong enough to push forward yet. Just because you can access most areas at any point doesn't mean you should.

Visually the game is stunning. Audio is very good as well. Gameplay mechanics are not perfect, but are well done. Occasional camera and targeting issues do little to hamper to overall experience.

This game is a beautiful hybrid of older, tougher, turn-based RPG's like Fallout and Baldur's Gate and modern third person RPG's like the Elder Scrolls series. If you are sick of easy, mindless button mashing disguised as an RPG, then give it Dark Souls a try. Just be ready to use your brain and your reflexes to survive.