Best game ever.

User Rating: 10 | Dark Souls II (Collector's Edition) PS3

There is a balance between light and shade in this world, and videogames were being invaded by idiotic games with no plot, no charm, no class, no fury. Then came Demon Souls, to reflame the torch that Diablo II had dropped - nights without sleep spent, grateful for the brutal immersion. Then came Dark Souls; quite harder, darker, without consolation. But after playing many times you'd find that eventual peace that could only be achieved after decimating numerous enemies. But it was peace. It was silence.

Now in DS 2, the chaos returns better, more complex, with more friend to play with, less answers, less magic (you can play with a 'normal' sword wielding character and still succeed). And there was darkness and peace again. And three weeks without sleep, this far. And yes, not even in the middle yet.

Pure joy.

And please don't join the Rat Covenant. It's quite annoying.