Dark Sector is a Sci-Fi third person shooter that, while slightly flawed, is definitely worth playing.

User Rating: 8 | Dark Sector PS3
Dark Sector is a great Sci-Fi shooter with innovative combat. The storytelling is definitely lacking and I felt the single player campaign was a little too short. Dark Sector may be flawed in some regards, but for 10 to 15 dollars it should not be missed.

Your character has a very powerful arsenal, with his bladed disk, the glaive, being very fun to use. It starts of just being something to throw at enemies, but as you progress through the game it becomes much more powerful thanks to new abilities you will learn. The gun combat is also well done, but with ammo being scarce and the glaive being more powerful and a whole lot more fun, you will find yourself using the glaive a whole lot more than guns. Being able to wield a pistol while wielding the glaive is also very useful if you have enemies charging at you, for all you have to do is hit them in the head with the glaive, and fire a couple of rounds in the head and most enemies will drop dead.

Boss battles give a break from the usual combat tactics in the game and require you to be constantly moving, to avoid being killed. Most enemies in the game cannot kill you in one hit, but there are several bosses who can, and they are the bosses who require the most thought to beat.. Most bosses cannot be killed with conventional weapons and you have to be crafty with the glaive. Boss battles are tough but you feel very accomplished after defeating a boss.

The glaive also serves other purposes than just a weapon, you can break boxes and collect items with it, and you also use it to open doors. The game requires you to think and strategize with the glaive, as it is often used to be able to get from one place to another. The first few missions require much thought to get from place to place, but as you get the hang of it you will be able to go through the game without the same kind of troubles you will have at the beginning. Overall Dark Sector is a very good game despite a few flaws, if you are looking for an action game to satisfy your thirst for blood then this game will suit you perfectly. And for 10 bucks or possibly a little more (I bought mine new for $10), this game is a steal.