Well, this game is like all the others, but in Ds form. Although one of my favorite Ds games, its repetitive to the othe

User Rating: 9 | Gekitou! Custom Robo DS
Well, you star of as a regular kid that always wanted to be a professional at Custom Robo. But, your father and older sister work at a new custom robo manufacturing lab, and you recieve the Ray Mk II a shining fighter model on your first day at a new school. You almost immediately make two new friends named Liv and Dennis. For the rest of the game you go through tournaments and fight your way through an evil gang with a super robo made of solide gold. In the end you save the day, and there's another half of the game just when you think you're done. I give this game a thumbs up, although this game is like all the others, you can still have fun with some new weapons and never before seen robo. Also you meet some interesting characters along the way. I would like to tell you more, but I don't wanna give away the storyline. If you're interested go buy the game.