A very good game but far to many bugs which ultimately spoil the gameplay.

User Rating: 7 | Crysis PC
For a game that has been out for 4 years and has this much hype, Crysis has left me bitterly disappointed.

I decided to purchase Crysis off of Steam a few days ago after hearing so much about it and have been playing through it almost non-stop since. I say almost non-stop because it seems that at all most every twist and turn I have to tab out to Google problems: VTOLs not spawning to extract me, the game randomly quitting at the same stop in a level and for me, the most annoying of all: being unable to defeat the final boss and finish the game because of a bug with the weapon you're supposed to use.

If Crysis was new I would give it some slack and say that these bugs, although annoying, do not overshadow what is truly a beautiful game (think Skyrim). A game which is a great alternative if you're bored of all the Call of Duty's and Battlefields being released today.

However, Crysis isn't new, it's four years old and there should be no excuse for a game as big as this to still have these sorts of bugs. It's not as if they are subtle, they are well documented with some forum posts going back late 2007 and early 2008. It begs the question of "Why haven't they been patched after 4 years of complaints?". For me personally, it took away so much enjoyment and fun from the game.

For this reason, I would recommend those of you who have not played Crysis to approach this game with caution, I'm not saying to stay away because it is a very good game which has a very well thought out and executed story line, but just be aware of the bugs and flaws which will ultimately overshadow what should have been one of the best games of the decade.