Any of fan of games period will enjoy Crysis.

User Rating: 9.5 | Crysis PC
What makes a video game great? Is is it awesome graphics and sound? Or just the game play? Well Crysis has all of the above and much more. Crysis is a sand-box first person shooter meaning the maps for each level are massive and there are plenty of ways to take out your enemies and there's plenty of vehicles to get around. Other sandbox shooters are Battlefield and Far Cry which are also excellent games but Crysis raises the bar for the sand-box genre with it's challenging, but very rewarding, game play and amazing sound and visuals. This game is played as Nomad, a U.S. special forces soldier, who's got a nano suit with some bad ass tricks up its sleeves like increased speed, armor, strength and cloaking which make any type of approach on your enemies possible. Another thing that comes in handy is customizing your weapons on the spot by adding silencers, sight's and changing the ammo type on the gun. Possibilities are almost endless with all the customization that is possible in this game. Overall this is an amazing game and many can agree that this is one of the best shooters ever made.