Amazing graphics, gorgeous environments, and tons of destructible items....but average game play.

User Rating: 8 | Crysis PC
Good: amazing graphics and destructible environments, (even playing on medium settings which most decent PCs can handle, the game still looks amazing), interesting/funny characters and dialogue, overall good story, lengthy campaign, multiple weapon attachments that are always available, smart AI (sometimes too smart), numerous powers/abilities that encourage the player to make their own tactical plans/strategies, game pad support, operable tanks, Humvees, etc.

Bad: harder than normal, long loading times (but still not that bad considering the great graphics), vehicles can take some time getting used to on the game pad, campaign game play isn't as great as its hyped up to be (e.g. somewhat frustrating moments such as relentless helicopters firing at you, too smart and too strong of enemies, similar weapons, you often find yourself scavenging for ammo which you never have enough of, etc.)

Overall: Crysis is a great shooter that offers amazing graphics, gorgeous environments, and tons of destructible items. However, besides the graphics, this game does not offer much more of a "revolutionary" experience in the world of FPSs. Gam eplay is average, the storyline is average, and just about everything else is average. Despite this, it's still a great game that most PC shooter fans would love.