The flexibility of Crysis is easily what makes it so interesting and entertaining. The possibilities are endless.

User Rating: 9.5 | Crysis PS3
Ah Crysis, how much I have wanted to play thee but alas, I never had a computer that could run this monster. To my dismay, it was able to be ported to the consoles, are ported well it seems. Yes, we have the excellent visuals that everybody talks about but I am not really all that interested in how great a game looks, but it is really hard not to ogle at the details. Me, I'm interested in how it feels, how it plays, the audio, the atmosphere, etc. etc. Crysis offers a colossal sandbox experience with the mighty Nanosuit and boy is this thing fun to use. You can run as fast as cars, you have enhanced armor that allows you to take an utter beating, you can go invisible…and you can throw things further and nobody cares about Strength mode. Now granted, you can play however you want but it does seem this game would rather you play stealthier, more tactically shall I say? (I do loathe that word nowadays, you practically stick 'tactical' to anything and you are a bad ass military know-it-all) I say this in respect to the situations you are put in this game; largely infiltrating enemy bases to further the plot. Going gun hoe can be troublesome due to the AI's nature…and also the rather loose feel to the controls. And I must say the feel of the sticks can damper the fun as you really can't make accurate shots due to its loose feel. It doesn't have a tight feel like Bad Company 2 does…did. But also as I mentioned, the AI can be considerably dangerous; they can kill you really fast! They are lethal; however they are a bit dimwitted. However, it is respectful of this issue just due to how complicated this game is. Having the AI respond to these giant worlds, having them react to a cloaking enemy, taking cover, being aggressive, etc. is definitely something that isn't done easily and without difficulties. They may not be the most intelligent but they did put up for some fun fire fights. Still, being able to play however the hell you want is what really drew me into this game. I'm utterly sick and disgusted by todays gaming, especially the shooter department with its fetish for insipid corridor fighting and heavily scripted events. This is largely absent in Crysis. You make your events happen. You can make it as grand as you want or you can make it into a tense, slow paced thriller as you sneak around, cloaked and picking targets off one by one. The flexibility comes from everything; the suit, the Korean jungles and it bathes the player with so many whims that it actually made me wish the game was longer. Though I must say it does take the game a little bit to get it running on all wheels. And also the lack of variety does hurt the game a little bit. Your mission largely consists of the same objectives and the weapons you use aren't really all that fun to use. The attachments don't breathe too much life in them as well, sadly. The beginning is a bit boring, a bit repetitive but the half way marks some serious fun and sadly the ending was derivative, scripted heavy and full of corridors.(Side note, beware of your first encounter with nano suit enemies; they're cheap bastards) The zero G moment was a complete mind **** in a good way and a bad way. It was very unique to me but about half way through I was begging for it to end; it is draining and nerve racking, it left me with some interesting feelings due to how fascinating it was. During this stage of the game, it was turning for the worst and it also was being a bit rushed. Your alien engagements do not last long, maybe an hour or 2 and in that time it wasn't the most fun of experiences. The AI for the aliens were flat out dumb, I lost count of how many times the aliens would literally stop moving for me to slay them. Luckily, like I said before, it ends rather quickly with the monotony of aliens so you can go back and play the missions you really liked. The atmosphere is also something I really enjoyed. The impeccable visuals combined with the fantastic audio really made the futuristic Korean jungles believable and entertaining. It is bit lonely, too. Wandering these jungles all to yourself can be quite poetic at times. If you haven't picked it up yet, do yourself a favor and get Crysis. It's a dying breed, if not the last of its kind, of shooters that adores flexibility and having the player being the one that is in control, not the game itself forcing the player to do everything with a leash tied around their throat. The beginning is a bit boring, the controls are a struggle and there isn't too much variety, especially with weapons, and a disappointing conclusion, but regardless, you'll hopefully have fun. Play Crysis 2, as well. It's fun too.
What I liked: Atmosphere, Flexibility, sandbox, Nano suit powers, the middle portion of the game, audio and visuals, freedom. Flexibility. Flexibility…and a bit more flexibility. It was fun,to put it simply.
What I didn't like: It was short, the ending was a bit cliché, campaign could use just a wee bit more variety, weapons could have been just a bit beefier, controls…ugh, couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with its loose feel. My first encounter with those damn nano suits! AI detracts a little bit. It was a bit easy to beat. My dislikes are more annoyances than anything.