Excellent, challenging FPS.

User Rating: 9.5 | Crysis PC
I couldn't get enough of the action in this game. I guess the reason I can rate it so highly is that I've learned not to expect too much from a FPS story, and my review is based almost entirely on the gameplay.

I love a challenging shooter – and this game certainly qualifies. I was excited for Crytek's new shooter because I had so thoroughly enjoyed the nearly impossible Far Cry. Crysis didn't disappoint on this level. Playing the game through on hardest difficulty without using the cloak at all proved quite hard. Excellent sandbox level design had me trying several different approaches, and made firefights seem entirely new. The excellent graphics are a sight to behold and the suit powers are a nice touch. Guns are fun to use – and I found myself using them all at different points in the game. I found the grenade launcher attachments particularly rewarding.

The story is alright – way better than Far Cry – it didn't take anything away from the game. Having North Koreans be the enemy was a nice touch – nobody can object to killing their soldiers by the thousands. If only they could have somehow tied Kim Jung-il into the story somehow – he could've sold humanity out to the aliens or something.

The main reason this game doesn't get a ten is the disappointing end. On my subsequent playthroughs I avoided the aliens entirely and just focused on the Koreans – those battles are far more enjoyable.

Anybody who hasn't played this yet and enjoys a challenging FPS – pick this one up. Ignore all the whiners complaining about enemies being too accurate – or go play some console game that requires no skill.