Brilliant story with challenging puzzles set in a old russian FPS. Don't let the game bugs deter you!

User Rating: 8 | Cryostasis PC
The story in the game is excellent and challenges your perspectives of the game and what direction it will take. I know some don't get the point of the old folk lore with the actual situation your character is faced with on the marine but I feel its a important step games should be taking with their story telling. Most games just cater to the average person to barely grasp the situation and over explain whats happening instead of letting the gamer deduce for himself. Point is gamers should challenge themselves with getting the plot too, If you really don't get it Wikipedia is always a good source of explanation (most of the time). But if you do get the plot, its a real treat.

Cryostatis a mixture of a puzzle game as well as a first person shooter. It can also scare you at particular moments and requires quite a bit of lateral thinking in some of the puzzles. The puzzles are mostly dead people aboard this old submarine which you travel into their minds to the moment where each person died. Your mission throughout the game is to save these people from the moment that killed them and when you do you get through to the next area of the map and release objects and open things that you were unable to. Ultimately you unravel why everyone died on the submarine as you fight bizarre zombie like people still living aboard the submarine. You also fight with keeping your character warm always looking for any light sources giving off heat. You'll find yourself heating up your body core temperature on light bulbs!

There were quite a few bugs when I played this, such as getting stuck to a wall more than once as well as the game randomly crashing at graphics intensive moments. Once it was just a room with epileptic lights flashing but other times it seems like nothing could spazz the game out but it does. Regardless just try run through the moments as fast as you can and it usually ignores the bug.