there should be no expectations from croc because it's a kid's game, which is also played by the nostalgics.

User Rating: 7.5 | Croc: Legend of the Gobbos PS
yes,this game must be treated like a bonus since it's made especially for children. it's also played by the nostalgics like me,to remember the unique moments of pure child-hood.
the environments are very colourfull & happy so this game shouldn't strees you at all.
the dificulty is just right,excepting the weird camera rotation-for me,this is something minor,i really enjoy the game with all it's flaws.
it's an inocent world of cute tinny creatures,which has been desacrated by a big punk-style creature called dante &his mini are the crocodile which has been adopted by the gobbos,& now you must fight all your way to dante,through 5 different worlds.
the names of the levels are very interesting-they are funny combinations from the real world with things from the game.
there are over 50 levels so you have what to play,you can't complain at at about the lenght of the game.
what do you expect from a game made for 5 year olds? **** Gamespot for ruining my childhood memories!