Ahsome rpg on the psp THis game is really good not as good as the oredgenal final fantasy 7 and to be

User Rating: 9 | Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP
One thing i wanna tell ya i live in New york and i got this game before it even came out because of my bro got me it ok beside's that i like i because You play as a cool final fantasy charitar name Zack well if you had the old ff7 you play as cloud and cloud is way much stronger then zack but not in this game but i hate the lvl systeam (7.7.7) It's so hard to get it once i battlieded a bass i got (7.7.7.) 3 times in a row!!!! I don't like the random battle systeam it gets anoying i like the battle systeam . Let's see here oh yay the story isnt great like the old final fantasy game's always the same but this game has really not point in gil it's s easy to find potion or something just do a mission they give you a'lot one more thing i wish the phenix down does it byitself if you have one because whenever i use one i get poinseded and then if i cure myself the phenix down would also
go other thing oh yay hold on theres not online..... The Main charictar is a werido and acts like a kid really make him at least tougher like cloud in ff7
he kinda emo'ish beside that what else should i say oh yay if you knew Vicent
he's stronger the sethropth in this game i have no idea what else to say oh this game is alright it's not long or short cause the psp can't handle long game's (duh) Oh yay the limit break is cool i love areith or aries one i love hp break i defeat the enamey real fast and i really dont know what else to say mabye that's it and this game is no rip off it a normal game and no one is a werido i just reallly meant he doesnt act like an adult Zack