A Futuristic Action RPG but rent it first b4 you buy

User Rating: 6 | Crimson Sea XBOX
This game is a beat em up game but also an Action RPG.In the game You play as the main character on the cover and Travel around planets and places.This game is really simalar to Rogue Galaxy If you played it but if you havent this is what happens.Usually in games like this You choose what missions and places to go to...You can custimise your gun or blade..and beat up all the bad guys you see.You play with other charcters in the game but the game does change a little.

I rated this game a 6 coz i just dont like games that are too long and have puzzles.You want more info about this game?? cheak this vid : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oNpShtv0P4


Great graphics

Lots of missons and gameplay

Couple of puzzles and twists

Custimise your gunz and blades

Choose your own Missions

Choose your own path