RARE game I went to seven different stores to finally fine my self a copy and man was it a good rental would of buyed it

User Rating: 8.6 | Crimson Sea XBOX
Graphics: very out standing here better then i thought at many times there will be over 100 bad guys one your screen so wack but all looks good crazy stuff going on here that looks so kool its a solid 9. Gameplay: meh i thought the fighting was little stiff the power ups that you can unleash are so kool lookin cuz your blastin away over 50 bad guys just from one power up looks good the game is story drivin and its all good solid 9. Sound: lots of action that was done good the kid sounds kinda meh crazy/stupid but other then that the music and everything else is good, solid 8. Value: meh if you really want to go in on harder modes go for it cuz normal is crazy enuff other then that its a good one time play thing i would buy this game but i rented it and beat it in 3days its hard and long i played hours non stop just to finishs it and the monster in the game are so hard and kool. Note: VERY RARE GAME WORTH A BUY, I BEAT IT IN A RENT tho :)