Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped is the same as the otehr 2 games, but that said ... it is a superb platform game.

User Rating: 8.7 | Crash Bandicoot 3: Buttobi! Sekai Isshuu (PSOne Books) PS
Crash Bandicoot has been one of the best platform games out there for the Playstation, it a great series and the game is a blast for the kids. ow, the third installment of the series rolls around and for the most part ... this game is probably the best game in the series so far. In this installment of the series, you once again are Crash .. and you must stop his evil nemisis Cortex. You must collect crystals and move on to the next chapter, all chapters contain 5 levels and a boss, and if you get enough relics you can unlock a secret area. The boss battles in this game are great, and are very memorale. This game also has some new features, you can play as Crash's sister Koko, and you can play as the tiger and the polar bear. This game also feature some superb level designs and there is a wide variety of levels to choose from anyways. A prolem with the second Crash game, is that some levels may look the same. Like a chapter may be like all taking place is a dark village or something like that. But in this game there is tons of variety, you might play in a dinosaur land on one level, and on the next level be playing on the wall of china! Crash also looks better than he ever has up to this point and same with all of the other characters. The sound is also a highlight of this game, all if the voices are well done and all the in-game sounds fit in perfectly. Overall, this is a another Crash game and isnt much different from the other two games. But being that said, this game is just as good if not better than Crash 2. But this game won't change your mind about this series, if you hate it then you'll hate this game too .. but if you love it then you'll continue to love it and that the side I happen to be on. So, if you are a Crash fan and you're looking for another Crash game that won't let you down ... this game is for you.