This is awsome you should buy it.

User Rating: 9.5 | Riot Act X360
In Crackdown, Pacific City is in a war on crime! The Los Muertos, Volk, and Shai-Gen are the gangs that continue to harass the city. As a member of "The Agency," you are sent, as a sort of "Super Soldier," to dispose if these criminals however you can. The cel-shading fit's the game very well and shows off that style very well. On the other side is the really fun gameplay. As you do things, shoot gang members, find hidden orbs, agility orbs, beat gang members with your fists, run them down in cars, and kill them with a big boom, you will raise your skills. Your always trying to raise your skills, since it makes you more powerful from health to firearm skills to how your car turns into a super car when you raise the driving skill. The story is pretty lackluster and non-existent and the soundtrack and narrator can get rather annoying, but with the Campaign, Time Trials, and Races, you can go wrong with Crackdown!