Crackdown is fun, but just boring sometimes

User Rating: 8 | Riot Act X360
Crackdown. Well its an openworld game with Superpowers. Ahhh yes the crisp smell of Potetial. Yes crackdown does offer fun it is also fairly cramped up badly. I found Crackdown really repetive, Linear, and unbalanced.
There is no story, i went looking for one i found nothing. There are a few guns with can be fun but there is too little and ALL THE VECHILES SUCK. there are no indoor missions, no planes and there is only one good cars, your supercars, you can't even controll the beast until yoou maxed out the driving skill. Now what i like well, the skills system is practically Fable's and the graphics are pretty good and the Freedom to do what ever you want with your superpowers given to you by the Agency. You can throw cars at people, even trucks. You can run faster than cars, driving skills is rubbish.

Now there isn't alot to really say on crackdown because rubbish story but what saves it is it fun aspect which makes want to come back to it and go throwing and jumping around killing people with sports cars.
Hopefully a sequal can can harness the fun from crackdown and turn it into a truly great game.