Crackdown may be shallow in it's content, but that won't stop you from having fun.

User Rating: 7 | Riot Act X360
If you are looking for an indepth sandbox GTA4 game then this may disappoint.
But if you are new to this genre or simply like blowing people up then Crackdown may be the game for you.

Its plot is simple:

You are a Supercop and as such have kick ass super powers(jump higher, leap large distances, blow stuff up etc).
You have been enlisted to clean up the place as normal cops can no longer handle it.
You go around 3 islands, each island with 7 boss' (the seventh being the main bad guy)

So all you need to do is run around upgrading all your skills till you kill all 21 bosses and their henchmen.

Simple stuff, anything outside of the main story is basic car race/roof top race based missions that really don't need to be done and aren't that exciting.

It's the poor mans Saints Row, but for those of us who just need a quick fix of the action, it's more than enough.
The cell shaded graphics are a nice touch as well.
