Fantastically fun and original, but i get the feeling it could have been so much better.

User Rating: 6 | Riot Act X360
Crackdown is fun. Really good fun.
Nothing beats the feeling of leaping across the skyscrapes punching baddies a few blocks away with one punch.
The graphics, whilst slightly jaggy, have a great sheen and style about them, and the story is passable, being set up for a 2nd Crackdown at the end.
In all honesty though, i couldn't help but feel that there could be so much more from this game.
Sure, it's good fun jumping across rooftops and punching people but that is literally all you can do.
Why couldn't we have more superpowers?
As it is it gets repetitive real quick, and the guns are weak and boring.
The gameplay, whilst good fun, is also horrendously repetitive, consisting of you hunting down and killing various gang leaders.
It reminds me of Assassins Creed, in a very, very bad way.
Still, theres lots of fun to be had just jumping about and blowing **** up, in a GTA way.
To be honest, if you see this on the cheap its worth a purchase, but i'm selling my copy and waiting for the 2nd copy, which will hopefully have so much more variety and be a true superhero cop all action game.
There's alot to improve on here, but when the developers do, it'll be amazing.


Cool cell shaded graphics
Great fun


SO repetitive.
No decent story.
After first glance, the cell shaded graphics are drab and dull.