This is a must have for any retro Run and Gun gamer.

User Rating: 8.5 | Contra NES
Nintendo Entertainment System

Graphics --- As a port from the arcade this game looks great.

Sound --- The sound is same as the graphic, as a port from the arcade this game is great. Contra offers a great soundtrack, and the opening theme is unforgettable.

Controls --- Contra has the best controls for any Run and Gun game. Contra should have been the benchmark for all Run and Gun games.

Game Play --- Three lives and three continues makes Contra a hard Run and Gun. This difficulty isn't unbearable, nor does the difficulty hinder the game play. Contra also offers weapon power ups which helps level the playing field. There is also a co-op playing mode which is fun and difficult. While playing in co-op your not able to advance to far ahead of the other play. This can get both players killed easily and adds more difficulty to an already difficult game.

My Summary --- Contra has to be on every bodies top list of Nintendo games. With three lives and very limited one ups, Contra is a game for the hardcore Run and Gun gamer! When you add the Konami code this just makes the game even better! If you do not have this game you must get it!