This is not a good shooter. If you are looking for a good shooter grab Half-life or Halo. NOT Conflict Desert Storm2.

User Rating: 5.3 | Conflict: Desert Storm II GC
I was not impressed with this game so lets get started. GAMEPLAY:5/10 This game's one player is so bad I didn't play more than the first four missions. Almost everything is wrong with one player. There are no enemies in one area, but in the next they mob you. Your squadmates don't know what the heck they're doing,so it's basically you controlling four characters(lame). In single player there is pretty much no strategy at all except sniping and gunning them down. Multiplayer is a different story. As a team in co-op this game isn't bad for first three hours or so. You can have one person snipe. Bradley and Conners mowing down the baddies and Jones planting bombs or defusing them. Even though in multiplayer strategy is incorporated it is still bad. After the first three hours or so it gets boring and repetitive. GRAPHICS:5/10 I have seen better graphics on games when they were first coming out for Gamecube. The explosions( they have to be good in a game) are terrible even though they are plentiful( quality not quantity). Desert storm's characters are not that bad, I never said they were good, but they could've done more. Sometimes though the game will have something right like the tanks. I forgot to mention, the blood isn't realistic at all even red water would have looked more realistic. SOUND:6/10 The voice acting was terrible. Music was only okay, but the guns and turrets were realistic sounding. Still the overall sound is not pleasant. VALUE:4/10 If you can actually stand to beat this game. Congratulations. I only beat this on co-op once then it was very boring. It does not retain value at all. TILT:6/10 I did enjoy co-op very much for the first three hours. The single player wasn't bad for the first mission. It wasn't a good game though it has too many bugs.