CONFLICT: Denied the good Ops!

User Rating: 5 | Conflict: Denied Ops PS3
Well, I've rented the Game and immidiately started playing it in Hard Mode and completed it in about 4-5 hours! The graphics are a little letdown, the Night Vision Goggles look annoying, the controls are decent, the revival animation for reviving a downed player is amazingly ssssllllloooowww! You'll only get 2 Agents to play with: A Sniper called Graves and a rookie LMG called Lang! The only interresting thing that can keep the game 'sort of' alive is the Weapon Upgrades you gain after every Mission Completed and the Music is also nice which keeps you in that pressure! Also another good point is the Replay Mission selection option! You can Replay every unlocked Missions with every unlocked Weapon Upgrade available to your Arsenal! But other then that, it's not what a FPS Game is meant to be! A very Average PS3 Game! Try renting it first!