This game should be more popular than Tomb Raider, for example.

User Rating: 7 | Conan PC
Strange games like Conan unfortunately don't cause any impact... I mean, Tomb Raider is very popular, but it isn't nearly as good as this one. On the other hand, Conan is a fine game, but not very popular.

It's quite hard to describe why this game is so good, because the nowadays players won't find an innovative feature, like in the recent Prince of Persia series. Conan is a cool game because it's simple (I spent around 10 minutes to learn how to play). You don't have the controls drawback like we have with Prince of Persia (at least when playing with a keyboard). Not to mention the innumerous maps to win and, the main thing, a respectable selection of combat moves, which all requires very simple key combinations.

About the graphics, they're very well done, considering this game uses a light engine featuring good and detailed environments, which allows you to play in low-end machines without slowing the game down.

Gameplay is good; in some aspects it's similar to Prince of Persia. It's not perfect because the game is very easy, so replayability is missing here. Also it's a little hard to fight against multiple enemies, because the camera changes the target automatically, especially if you're fighting in closed areas.

Conan offers a simple multiplayer as well; I've tested it and found it cool. But what really shines here is the single player, no doubt of it.

My only advice to make the game really fun is: don't play it at easy difficulty. It's a waste of time, it's ridiculously easy. All in all, I highly recommend Conan if you like butchering tons of goons just for fun.