even today Tiberian Sun remains the best game in the long running Command and Conquer series

User Rating: 8.9 | Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun PC
I find that even today Tiberian Sun remains the best game in the long running Command and Conquer series. The units and strucures are very inique and interesting and the abilities of both sides make skirmishes and multiplayer games tense and fun. The campaign is great with varied missions, great maps, respectable graphics for even today and interesting cinemas between the missions (with James Earl Jones as the GDI commander). Of all the games in the series this is the one that deserves to be called the best. Not Red Alert 2 which is flashier but less deep. Like always the game can annoy or frustrate when units dont act as youd like them too but the cool new aspects of the game like cloaking, Tiberium mutations, and really cool superweapons, make it worth the purchase moreso than any other C&C game.