"I can't wait to get off this Island" - Josh Holloway

User Rating: 9.5 | Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars PC
Yep its back, back with avengence.

Its been about...roughly 8 years or so since the last "Tiberium Sun" game was released. It was an excellent "twist" or "stint" on the series which was quickly over succeeded(or the attempt to at least) by the Red Alert series sequels.

This time it packs seemingly more movies with higher quality acting and CGI, better graphics and basically a better engine...lets find out:


Ok first things first. The Game engine. If you've played Command and Conquer: Generals, this is like a way more stable beefier version of that game engine. It has a better camera system and way better detailed units and unit control.

Since the last Tiberium Sun the principal roles of collecting tiberium, creating a base of operations and large force hasn't really changed. So basically they kept the formula that worked!

However this time round you need to create LARGE forces, even if your playing this on Easy Difficulty you need to create a large force to destroy most enemy bases. Also you need to be quite smart about how you go about it. Wrong unit combos spells disaster usually most of the time!

The CGI cutscenes are i have to say hands down the best in the whole series. The acting has moved from a TV movie type filmed style and the low production standards of Babylon 5, to a full fledged "semi-realistic" Ops briefing.

Actors from current "hit shows" in America are present like Josh Holloway from Lost and Michael Ironside from various films like Total Recall, and various cast from the revamped Battlestar Gallactica series. They are all excellent in there roles in the game. However, of course Kane is still the best played character, another aspect of the game they kept in!

Finally the new addition of incoming transmissions from the latter mentioned actors or from the main computer mainframe's analysis on the battlefield is just sheer brialliance in the idea department.


Tottaly revamped and detailed. For an RTS this game is really good looking. Sure you can say its verging on cartoonish because of the contrast of collurs etc but the battle screen here works!

Tiberium looks really amazing now, i can see why their Harvesters in Nod are obsessed about collecting it! The third alien faction in this game has really amazingly animated units! Overall, a nice piece of tasty eye candy! Also the CGI in cutscenes is very well done!



Excellent sound track. Wont win awards but the main thing here is that is works - works in tandem with the action of the game.

Voice acting, sound track, addition of the "incoming transmition" messages are very well done! Also laser sound effects are still fun, yet again the Obelisk of Light sound is still present since the very original C&C!! -------------------


To summarise this, basically everyone should really be greatful of two aspects: One - Its a Tiberium Sun game which personally for me as i'm a Sci-Fi fan was their best and most excellent version of the C&C universe.

Two - Yes they added new additions to the game, but they were actually improvements in the series. Everything else was kept the same.

Apart from incoming transmissions, graphics, game engine and the newer stuff, they have kept the working forumla in here, and when you have a long running game series this is what counts.

Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Sun has proven that if it aint broke, then sure dont fix it BUT you can add things which wont get in the way of the formula but make the things that made this game so wonderful, more prominent and more fun to enjoy!

If your a casual RTS gamer, or a die hardcore fan, you will enjoy this game for its campaign and story telling and or its intense multiplayer action.

Overall, an excellent addition to the series and probably the most well thought out and the most love and care has been put into the development of this title.