Clyde is da man.

User Rating: 7.8 | Cloning Clyde X360
This arcade title is probably one of the most unique titles I have played on XBLA. The only problem is that it ends really fast. Read on to find out more:

Gameplay: 10/10

Not a single problem with this. The game has some simple gameplay, and reminds me of gaming back in the 16-bit era.....ah, the memories.

Graphics: 8/10

Not that bad, but they could have been better. The cel-shading was a nice touch to this humorous title. There is no compliants here either, just that they could have been better, thats all.

Sound: 6/10

Well, besides the sound effects, there really wasn't any music, which is good and bad. Good because we don't have to hear the same beat over and over during a hard puzzle....bad because the game now has no real theme.

Value: 4/10

This is where the game takes the most beating. The game's puzzles are so easy that you can do everything in this game in about 10 hours, tops. For 800 points($10), that doesn't sound like a good deal to me, considering that this game is a platformer.even the collectables were very easy to find. *sigh* maybe Cloning Clyde 2 will do better at this

Tilt: 8/10

dispite my grip about length of game, I still highly recommend the game for purchase. its only 10 bucks, and its a good way to insure that Ninja Bee makes a part 2.

-Classic Gamplay
-The cloning gimmick is awesome
-Clyde is awesome
-good cel-shading

-Way too short
-the story is terrible

Overall: 7.8/10
Pick it up so we can get Cloning Clyde 2!