One of if not the best Xbox Live Arcade games released.

User Rating: 8.3 | Cloning Clyde X360
I have to say that this is the best Xbox Live arcade game to date. Geometry Wars is good, but this game seems like an entire package. Online multiplayer, co-op, offline multiplayer and a rather lengthy (for this kind of game) single player.

You play as Clyde and 100's of his clones. Clyde was in an accident and is trying to escape the lab where he was cloned with the help of his friends and animals located around the levels. That's pretty much the story. And thats all you need to know in a game like this. It's all about the gameplay, and that gameplay is a mix between Oddworld and Lemmings. You have a set goal of Clydes to rescue, machines to destroy, and action figures to pick up in each level. With the help of animals you can turn into a flying chicken, a swimming frog, a jumping sheep, and a swinging monkey. It's fun and lasts just enough so things don't get repetitive.

There are some downsides. The multiplayer maps are the same every time you play them, so once you've gotten the hang of each one (which will take very few tries) you and your friends won't have much fun. The biggest problem however, is that at times it can be a little annoying trying to pull all your clones along with you to the exit. Since each one has to be controlled individually you will want to gouge your eyes out.

Now this is an arcade game, so your not going anything too deep here. It's rather simplistic, but still fun.