one of the best in the series.

User Rating: 8.3 | Civilization: Call to Power PC
This is one of the true reasons that I like the series of civilization. This was the first civilization game that I played, and I was immediately hooked on this game. The strategy is the part that I liked the most, because you had think about a lot of things when are ruling your empire. The tech tree had some very interesting technologies and benefits for the race that researched them. So it was best to pick a race that had an advantage in the science department. I wish they would have had the advisors in this game like they do in the later civilization games, then this game would have been perfect. The cut scenes for the various wonders that you built were very nice to watch. My personal favorites were the tower that led all the way into space and started a space city and the wonder that lets each leader read each others mind. I am disappointed that they took the wonder cut scenes out of the later civilization games and they have not taken the tech tree into space either since this game. But overall I am more impressed with this civilization game than any of the others and I recommend this game to anyone who is a fan of turn based strategy.