My head exploded as Chuck roundhouse kicked my brain to heaven.

User Rating: 10 | Chuck Norris Superkicks 2600
Knowing the greatness contained within this game,I spent the last 23 years preparing myself,mentally and physically for the challenge that lay ahead.But even all my years of preparation couldn't prepare me for the power that was unleashed as i hit the power button.All i remember was Chuck flying from my TV surrounded by a halo of pure light and him launching a roundhouse kick in my direction.I awoke 5 months later in hospital where i was informed i had miraculosly survived a Roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris.Now I see why this game isn't advertised everywhere you go,if even i with all those years getting ready was destroyed so quickly and easily then I shudder to think what it could do if small children somehow managed to get their hands on a copy.I just want to know how the developers managed to finish the game without getting a roundhouse kick from Chuck.