WARNING: You cannot handle this game...

User Rating: 10 | Chuck Norris Superkicks 2600
The others speak the truth. Chuck Norris Superkicks is the most amazing game that has ever been created. There is nothing like it. There is nothing that can be like it. If you went back in time, Benjamin Franklin would tell you that he discovered electricity so that Chuck Norris Superkicks could someday be given to us by God. And by God, I of course mean Chuck Norris.

But, a WARNING! DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SCREEN! Have you ever seen Raiders of the Lost Ark? That wasn't the 10 commandments in there, just a copy of Chuck Norris Superkicks. I only glanced at the screen, using a mirror, for 1 second and I still almost went blind from the reflected glory. That's the price that I paid for my arrogance. Do not make the same mistake as me.