A great game, highly addictive. You control a chopper and have to fly from your base into enemy territory, killing..

User Rating: 9.8 | Choplifter III GG
..enemy troops and blowing up tanks. When you come across those your meant to save, you land, fill your chopper up and fly back to your base so those you rescued can run into the base. Then you repeat. It's a very addictive and fun game. I have fond memories of playing this of classic game. Definatly should be a part of everyones collection. Although sadly only 2 people (me included) have the game currently. Im sure a lot more people have it, it is a classic game, as im sure many people remember this title. These days, the game is outdated in, especially graphics and sound wise. But like many old game, it's a classic and worth having, weather it's to play again in the future or to just remember it and think of the memories playing it. Fun, addictive and worth having.