Playing by yourself is boring, playing with a friend isn't. Castlevania Judgment is a ton of fun just with 2 players.

User Rating: 7.5 | Castlevania Judgment WII
Castlevania. Ever since the series started, the series ranged from "masterpiece" to "ok" to "what the?"

And one of these "What The?" games in teh series is Castlevania: Judgment!

PROS: Fighting game with castlevania characters!! Playing is just plain fun.
Awesome music.

CONS: Gameplay is a little simplistic. The game should have been a bit more extended. Character design is too different from the iconic Castlevania characters.

A lot of people give this game smack because its not really Castlevania. And to be honest. Yeah. It reminds me more of Soul Calibur or Mortal Kombat, not really Castlevania. But that doesn't mean its bad. Hey, if one of the worst castlevania games is rated 7.5 i say thats a strong series. To be honest its not the worst Castlevania game. I leave that award to Castlevania 64.

Gameplay is mindless buttonmashing fighting. Like all the other fighting games are. However, this is new for Castlevania. So back then, i was a bit of a shocker. The games story is to short. Short as a Soul Calibur arcade mode. Which is ok, but this is way too short. I mean, you can go the versus mode all the time all you want. But when it comes to Story Mode. It's disapointing.

Also, you got a range of characters to choose from, which ups the replayablilty. And, its pretty fun playing with a friend. Like a lot of fighting games, there only 2 players. But playing with a friend is twice the fun. Also, the music, man. The music, some remakes of old Castlevania tunes, and you golden.

Playing by yourself is boring, playing with a friend isn't. Castlevania Judgment is a ton of fun just with 2 players. Short, but worth buying to play with a friend.