Third time is the charm...

User Rating: 10 | Akumajou Densetsu NES
This is the best game period. However I suppose that simply me saying that probably isn't enough for most people. So Style wise this game is like the first one which after playing number two is a welcomed thing. This one however takes what the first one did and added some things to it that make it way better. The first thing you will notice is that the graphics are way better than the last two. The backgrounds are stunning and the layout and look of the levels are perfect in conveying the dark and creepy atmosphere. The music is probably the best of the 8 bit series and maybe the whole nes library. The plot is that this game takes place before the first two games making it a prequel. The countryside is being ravaged by darkness and the people call upon the belmonts to destroy Dracula. The belmonts supernatural powers frighten the townspeople and after casting them away trevor belmont rises from their ranks and begins his quest to deliver the land from evil. Among the way he can pick up a spirit companion. These characters share the same life bar and hearts but each have different powers that make them unique. First is Grant Dynasty; a pirate who can climb on walls and circumvent many of the parts of the levels. Second is alucard the son of dracula; his fireball attacks are a bit weak but have some range to them, plus he can turn into a bat being able to fly away from danger. Last is sypha a magic user who has a vast array of magic attack; ranging from fire, balls of lightning, and the ability to freeze enemies and then shatter them with a single hit. The game also has various paths that you can go meaning that you can choose how to get to dracula and which spirit companion you which to obtain. The bosses are hard and fact is most of the game is hard. Entering Help Me as your name at the beginning you can get ten lives to help out. To make things even tougher there is a hard mode that you can go into after you beat the game (if you can anyways). It replaces the medusa with skulls that are not predictable in anyway. The slow moving armored knights are replaced with spiked sheild wielding ones that have some spring to their step. The damage you take from the start is max (4 bars) instead of the rising damage scale that the game uses as default. The password system it uses is easy to read and record and only consists of three characters. You won't find yourself messing up like you would in Castlevania 2. The games translation to the wii seems to rid the game of the slow down it experiences in many places and the only thing that seems to be out of place is that one of the laser blasts from the final boss seems to have the graphic a bit gibbered but it's hardly anything to get mad about. So this is it, the game that's better than all others. I can't think of a witty closing so to quote house "You put the queen on your money. You're british!"