A great game, but it's not for everybody.

User Rating: 8 | Castlevania: Curse of Darkness PS2

Gameplay: 8.5/10. Sometimes it might get little repetitive, but it's still O.K. I.D.'s are fun to to train and they all have interesting skills and attacks.Combat is fun too.

Graphics: 7.5/10. Graphics are O.K. and enemy and character models are good. Sound: 10/10. Sound effects are good and music is excellent.

Replay value: 10/10. After you beat the game you can try to get weapons like Laser blade and Death's scythe, explore the castle 100% and get all I.D.'s.Those will keep you busy even if you beat the game.

Overall: 8/10. Castlevania: Curse of Darkness is a great game with excellent music, but it has it's flaws.Konami did a good job with this game, like they did with Lament of Innocence.

P.S. This was my first review, so that's why it might be a little too short.