Still Can't Get It Right

User Rating: 6.5 | Castlevania: Curse of Darkness PS2
As with the first 3D game for PS2 of the Castlevania series it seems that it hasn't been taken onboard that this game. Still belongs in 2D, throughout the series Konami have never been able to beat the best of the bunch Symphony Of The Night with Alucard. I've got the original playstation version and I've never stopped playing it since but this game Curse Of Darkness has some good points thou.

The weapon making is sort of new just find items and if you've got the right ones you can make that new weapon. Obviously the ultimate weapons probably need a lot of rare items to build but that's never new is it. The familiar system is back as with S.O.T.N you get strange creatures, which help, fight off those zombies and devils.

All in all this game is worth playing for at least 1 completion then maybe you may stop for a while. And pick up where you left providing that there isn't a game out there that's worth swapping it in for.