It's a waste of time to try and beat this game.

User Rating: 6.5 | Captain America and the Avengers SNES
Man, I was so excited as a kid about this game when I saw my cousins playing it! They acted like they could not get through the game. So, I was a little concerned as to why they were having so much of a hard time since they my cousins usually beat anything together, so I wanted to play this myself with a cousin.

Story: 8/10
- The storyline is pretty good, like from a Marvel comic-book. The storyline is a series of battles against super villains across various locations in a bid to stop the villain, Red Skull; who brainwashes and controls the super villains to make them do all his dirty work against their own will! So, Captain America and the Avengers must stop all the super villains and finally Red Skull himself!

Gameplay: 4/10
- The gameplay is pretty stupid! You can never go through a stage without losing a life! Anyway, players can choose to play 1 of 4 of the Avengers, being the superheroes Captain America; Iron Man; Hawkeye and the Vision. Other Avengers including the Wasp; Quicksilver; Wonder Man and Namor the Sub-Mariner make cameo appearances. The opponents include villains Klaw; The Living Laser; Whirlwind; Wizard; the Grim Reaper; the Mandarin; The Juggernaut; Ultron and the assassin Crossbones. The game also has a 2 Player option.

Graphics: 7/10
- The graphics are okay. Everything is well colored in the game so that you can see all things clearly.

Sound: 8/10
- The sound effects of the game are pretty nice! All the music in the game is very good!

Overall, I give this game a 6 1/2 out of 10. The storyline, the graphics, and the sound effects/music are all pretty good but, the really difficult gameplay really got on my nerves! I do not care how good of a game-player you are, you can not beat this whole game with the amount of lives you start out with. My cousins even had the better chance by playing this together and still could not beat it, and they were both very good, so even with the help of a friend in the game, it is still impossible!