A 10/10 for a $15 game. A 8.5/10 when rated against the big boys.

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Juarez: Gunslinger PC
It's almost kinda depressing how games are rated these days. It's hard to give an honest opinion when there are always the haters bashing the game, die-hard fans over-praising the game, and reviewers who review games based on how the game is received by other reviewers.

It's a waste of time really to lay down a list of what's good or bad about a game when you know nobody is gonna read it, and people are going to take it the wrong way anyway. So, let me just make it very brief...

I love a PC game that's made for the PC (the menu and controls). I love a PC game that is fun (fresh, and addictive). I love a PC game that is affordable ($15). I love a PC game that is relatively stable at launch (doesn't hang or crash). Call of Juarez Gunslinger has it all.

Call of Juarez Gunslinger is a arcade style first person shooter. It's a relatively short game, you can easily complete it over the weekends. It's narrative based, which means that as the narrator tells the story, you go about doing your thing -- killing enemies. The game is set in the wild west. It's very story driven, there's no repetitive side missions. Characters are colorful. Guns have good feedback. It's a remarkable game.

A 10/10 for a $15 game. A 8.5/10 when rated against the big boys.