Very Excellent Game. A Perfect (Wild West) First Person Shooter. I rate this a 10.

User Rating: 10 | Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood PS3
Call of Juarez Bound in Blood.

A game that was calling out to me since its announcement.

I loved the first Call of Juarez game so i really was looking forward to this one.

This game was well made and it has perfect graphics, shooting and action. The story is very excellent and it made me play it over and over.

You get to use two gun-slinging brothers, Thomas and Ray McCall. First you find yourself at the Civil war of Atlanta, Georgia. After you find yourself at the desolate lands of Mexico and Arizona. Also you travel through Indian Territory.

The McCall Brothers, Ray, Thomas and William :

Thomas is the Agile brother. Can use Bow, Throwing Knives and Lasso. Can climb and has deadly range with the Rifle. Can use only one Pistol.

Ray is the Strong Brother. Can use Dynamite, carry Gatling Gun. Can kick doors open and has deadly damage at close combat with two Pistols. Can use two Pistols.

William is the youngest brother, he is a preacher (priest), William is trying to bring his lost brothers towards the Light of the Lord, he follows his older brothers Ray and Thomas through they're journey to find the Legendary Gold of Juarez and hes trying to stop them from continuing the bloodshed they're creating and to stop them from killing each other over a woman and gold.
William is not Usable, he just follow his brothers and also tells the story of the game.

Ray and Thomas must work together in different situations during the game. Double Concentration Mode happens during the game. The game goes in slow motion and the screen is gray and you and your brother have the advantage to shoot your enemies.
Note : Each brother also has his own Concentration Mode Ability that you do alone.

The game also has great Multiplayer, you get to unlock classes and get to upgrade your weapons by collecting cash.
Use 13 Classes : Gunslinger, Miner, Rifleman, Sniper, Native, Scout, Trapper, Gunsmith, Hombre, Spy, Officer, Duelist, Veteran.
Each class has different weapons, health and speed.
Play through 5 Multiplayer Modes : Wild West Legends, Manhunt, Posse, Shootout and Wanted.

Call of Juarez Bound in Blood has excellent terrain, destructible effects, wild west towns, wagon escorts and 2 chapters with 3 side missions each and more.

This game is awesome and worth checking out.