After last years Call Of Duty 4 ..Going back to the world war 2 setting is nice, multiplayer is Just as impressive!

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: World at War PS3
I made sure i had gotten a good amout of time spent before reviewing this game, especially after the last Call Of Duty toook soo much of my time with its imersive multiplayer and great singler player story.

My first impressions were okay, after the game starting and seeing that the menu hadnt changed much from COD4 i was a bit dissapointed to see the same layout and barely any change... but then again as the old saying goes: "if it aint broke then why fix it?" ,but the great thing about the menu is that players of COD4 will feel right at home with everything.

When starting the single player campaign you see that the controls are more or less the same and the gameplay is just as good and imersing as the last game in the series, but i thinkt he greatest part would be the real impressive cut scenes, they are short but interesting non the less especially the real world war 2 fotage that is put in.. though more work could have been put it, they were still very impressing and a great change from other FPS games where you have to just stare at the loading screen until the mission starts. Also the single player campaign is lenthy and reallt worth it with different types of missions like my favourite tank mission. Also the flamethrower is a great addition to the host of weapons and is a real enjoyable change.

Now the offline split screen is as great as ever and just like the rest of the game, not much has changed.

The online split-screen is also great! and while playing it a few times with family and friends the game was steady most of the time and there were barely any lag issues making it just as good as the offline split-screen.

The online multiplayer gameplay is again as good as the last game with the change from radar to recon plane, air strike to artillary and helicopter to attack dogs and the changes are real good and perfectly put considering the game setting. And lag issues are very minimal, considering the period COD4 had gone through at launch before the servers had become stable. Also there are other great additions like more than one prestige mode.