Needs some help for PC...

User Rating: 8 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PC
These are the days when I wish I had an Xbox and/or the PC community was not sleighted by mutli-platform games...

The game is good, I wouldn't expect anything different from this franchise. Is it mind-blowingly revolutionary? Probably not. It has the same great cinematics and action scenes as they've always had. It has the frantic battle feeling unlike most FPS shooters out there. The graphics are polished nicely and at times photo realistic. It has a single and multi-player aspects which have replayability.

The bad things are the same criticisms we've heard for the past month or so from the PC community, and I have to agree. The multiplayer is shallow with limited players and no dedicated servers. It's not a good thing when after getting this new game I still have the urge to play COD4 or COD:WAW multiplayer. Console gamers may not understand, but that's just the way it is. Going from 32 or 40 person servers to a maximum of 18 (and usually more like 12), is not what we're looking for. I'm not sure what IW was thinking here, but certainly they've heard the outcry from PC gamers by now. If they make this mistake again, it will likely be the end of Call of Duty. The jack-up in price for PC is somewhat pretentious as well.

One other minor complaint is the inability to peak, which would come in handy in all the street battles in this game, particularly in Rio.

I really wanted to give this game a 10 before I bought it and expected I would. Though it will please a majority of the fans, mostly console gamers, I have to say that based on expectations i'm somewhat disappointed.