If you judge it by the PC version (like gamespot did) is not pair with that standard, but for a console shooter is fun

User Rating: 8 | Call of Duty: Finest Hour XBOX
Like the PC version, Call of Duty for the XBOX is a great improvement over the Medal of Honor series, and is not fair to compare it with its PC counterpart; it’s a very solid WWII shooter, full of action and cinematic sequences absent in the PC. - Graphics: Graphics are ok, the soldier models could be much more detailed, they are very low on polycount, but the textures are good and the effects too.

- Sound:
Like all the COD games sound is excellent and real immersive (5.1 setup is a must). - Gameplay
Gameplay is ok too; the feedback from the rumble pad compensates the lack of accuracy you get from a gamepad compared with the mouse.

So the games is a very good start starting point for the series on consoles and the XBOX